You may consider what i am going to say a bit unusual, but If you would like to find a method to lose weight faster, and you believe there is nothing new under the sun, then what I am about to tell you will actually make you surprised.
According to Dr Kenneth Goodrick at Baylor University, a good night’s sleep is an essential factor for weight loss.
He considers that lack of sleep robs people of the energy they require to work out and launches a vicious low-energy cycle that weakens your weight loss plan.
Frequently when energy reserves are low, people turn to high fat and high sugar loaded foods or caffeinated beverages for energy pick-me-ups…all of which interfere with weight loss efforts. Many people could drink 10 to 15 caffeinated drink a day, which has a harmful effect on sleep quality.
This isn't the only interesting link between sleep and weight loss/gain. Researchers have detected there are 2 hormones involved. Leptin, a hormone that stamps down appetite, and grehlin, which step-ups food intake and is believed to play a role in long-term regulation of body weight. Sleep deprivation brings down the levels of leptin and raises levels of grehlin. This is considered to be the main reason why obese people suffering with sleep-apnea frequently put on weight faster than others.
Dr. Goodrick states, “Sleep is a time for the brain, the body, and all the hormones to get regulated and restore themselves to the baseline values for the next day. If you have caffeine, or inadequate sleep, you don’t have a chance for all of those restorative processes to get finished. So you’re ending not quite fit, or metabolically where you should be”.
What is a good night’s sleep? Participants in a US survey who got less than 4 hours of sleep each night were 73 percent more expected to gain weight and to be obese than those who take between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night, wich is the recommended amount. Those who slept just 5 hours each night were 50 percent more expected to be overweight, and those who slept 6 hours a night were 23 percent more likely to be overweight.
Well, it is official, for good health we all need to wake up and get a good night’s sleep.
Tags : Weight Loss And Sleep, Sleep To Lose Weight, Weight Loss
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